Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogs vs. Wikis

Two of the best examples of how the world of media is growing, changing and expanding are blogs ( or web logs) and wikis.  These two forms of what is referred to a “New Media”  make, available to the public, pretty much all the information one could ask for. You want some new recipes or helpful gardening tips, well there is most likely a blog for that. Need to write a paper on George Washington, well you can learn about his entire life off Wikipedia.  

But it is much more than that.

Blogs and wikis have become a tool for people to be heard. An outlet to say whatever you want, from citizen journalism to arts and crafts. Michael Barbaro of The New York Times writes about the blog formed by Wal-Mart employees.  is an open blog in which Wal-Mart employees can talk about, well anything they please. They are not the only ones: General Motors and Dell also have employee blogs.

As for wikis, we see the altitude of its magnificence right in our own virtual classroom.   We are able, as a class to put together a page in which we can all communicate and share ideas with each other. “ [They] needed a way to organize in one place all of the schedules, code and other details of the project. He chose a wiki,” writes Margaret Locher, She was referring to Tony Pagliarulo,  who decided that a wiki wold greatly benefit his company EMC. They were ahead of the game because they were always updating and communicating.

In my own personal life, I have been part many blogs in which many collaborators can each log in and contribute their latest articles. For example, when I worked for, reviewing New York City establishments, I and the rest of the employees were able to log on at their leisure and upload a new review.  

People believe that blogs and wikis are pretty much the same things. The truth is, they do share many similarities but it depends on what you are looking for. Blogs are great ways for writers to get together and produce things like online magazines or comments on pop culture. Wikis work great for classroom assignments and communication and with business communication and ideas. Personally, I think both can work but I recommend blogs for writers and wikis for  more information-based and business like endeavors.

Both blogs and wikis can be very helpful and are a great addition to the web and out day to day lives.


  1. Hi, I noticed that you mentioned our class wiki. I also think that other classes would benefit from using wikis. Personally though, I like readings blogs more than wikis and i love arts and crafts and similar blogs. Celebrity gossip blogs are pretty entertaining too.

  2. Most definitely. Wikis could be a great addition to any class; it will prove to be very useful.

    I also enjoy blogs more because they feel a bit less formal. They each have their own pros and cons.

  3. Hi, you mentioned "Blogs and wikis have become a tool for people to be heard." I totally agree with this, but I do think however that blogs are a way more efficient tool to "be heard" where as wikis can be used to spread information.

  4. At some level, blogs and wikis are very familiar as they can both use as to collaborate ideas. Blogs is more toward the idea of giving opinions while wikis can use to provide facts through the effort of groups of people. I believed that since there's more people working on wiki, wiki such as wikipedia tends to update their info. rather quickly.
